Villy Paraskevopoulos: p
Stefan Thaler: b
Niki Dolp: dr
The piano trio going by the name of Hypnotic Zone offers up La Justice, les Filles et l’Eternite, an album with a singular personality… rich with eccentric quirks and off-kilter traits. At times, it’s quite expressive of the Austrian jazz scene, often treading the same territory as ECM label artists who hail from the same land
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. But this is just one side of this album with a dual personality. Many moments of serenity suddenly dissipate into thin air, replaced by the swirling chaos of dissonant notes and relentless percussion. It makes for an unsettling reaction.
But then, with time, the music’s patterns become more evident, the way the music respires and the way it drifts, and how it transitions between those two states of existence. It’s not an album perpetually in flux… it just feels that way at times. –
„The music of „La justice, les filles et l’éternité“ by Hypnotic Zone is inspired from texts of left-thinker Yves Le Manach. It’s a mixture of polytonal compositions with free improvised sections and jazz references: Mysterious, lyrical and hypnotizing. The bands mastermind Villy Paraskevopoulos (piano) together with Stefan Thaler (bass) and Niki Dolp (drums) create very fresh sounds and let their music speak about the connection of justice, girls and eternity…“ – (Pressetext)
„ein spannendes und in dieser Art selten vorgebrachtes Klangkino“ – (Mica)
„Das nennt man ein gelungenes Debut
. Aggressiv und angriffslustig beginnt der erste Take
. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass man technisch auf hohem Niveau agiert, dass Timing und Phrasierung passen, das Trio einen schönen Sound hat. (…) Da fließt die schnelle, spontane Äußerung in die festgegossene Form der Komposition und verdichtet so den Output zu einem komplexen Bündel an musikalischen Aussagen.“ – (Freistil)
„Kontrastreich,eigenwillig und atmosphärisch,zwischen Jazzavantgarde und Punkattitüde, ja, und bisweilen wirklich hypnotisch wirkt die Musik von Paraskevopoulos.“ – (Concerto)